Tuesday, June 21, 2011



Buckwheat Valley Citizens Coalition (BVCC) announces the launching of its new Energy Application Resolution Campaign to encourage the American Transmission Company (ATC) to make public its Badger Coulee (BC) proposal need data and provide the public with additional Independent Energy Studies (IES) regarding the ACT-BC Application. BVCC has publicly made it clear that BVCC would support the ATC-BC project if the ATC-BC need data, and Independent Energy Study (IES) data, (requested within the Energy Application Resolution) demonstrate that the ATC-BC Application proposal is the best option (compared to other alternative cost/benefit solutions) to solve the Demonstrated Need Formula Study (DNFS). BVCC will now begin the process of working with local effected Township and County level municipalities to consider adopting this Energy Application Resolution. Once adopted, both ATC and the PSC should be notified accordingly of the Energy Application Resolutions request for this data, and Independent Energy Study (IES) data, to be provided to the public in a timely manner, long before the Public Information Phase of the ATC-BC Application is completed. BVCC designed this campaign with the goal of encouraging cooperation (among all interested parties) and the sharing of critical data and information with the public (which is very capable of assimilating and processing this data). As always, BVCC is available to receive your comments and questions.

Energy Application Resolution

WHEREAS, American Transmission Company (ATC) has proposed to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) to construct an electrical high voltage-high capacity transmission line corridor known as Badger Coulee (BC) (that may directly effect our municipality) we the municipality known as: _________________________________ hereby are resolved to pass an Energy Application Resolution mandating that ATC provide our municipality a certified copy of the following during ATC’s Application Information Phase (or as stipulated herein).

(1) ATC-BC Application Phase Draft to include: a Demonstrated Need Formula Study* (DNFS), verified by an Independent Energy Study ** (IES)?
(2) ATC-BC Application Phase Draft to include: a Cost Benefit Alternative Comparison Study*** (CBACS) verified by an Independent Energy Study ** which demonstrates the most cost effective solution to the Demonstrated Need Formula Study* (DNFS)?
(3) ATC-BC Application Phase Draft stipulations to include: all prudent measures to protect and/or avoid endangered and sensitive natural resources, maintain current appraisal standards regarding eminent domain land buys, and guarantee that all encroachments meet current DNR, Federal and State Park preservation standards?
(4) ATC-BC Final Application ninety days prior to the Final Application submission to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC)?

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned Municipality hereby approves said Energy Application Resolution adopted on this date: ___________________________ 2011.

* Demonstrated Need Formula Study (DNFS): A comprehensive analysis of electric power sector energy data including: historic, current, projected energy use, and historic, current, projected energy generation and transmission capacity.
** Independent Energy Study (IES): A comprehensive analysis of energy study data (conducted by an Independent Energy Consultant) charged with the task of publishing an objective analysis.
*** Cost Benefit Alternative Comparison Study (CBACS): A comprehensive analysis that examines all options available to meet the Demonstrated Need Formula Study (DNFS)*, which specifies objective recommendations as to the most cost effective solutions.
Pub. 6.20.11
End of Document.

Need a pdf of the Energy Application Resolution?
Contact us at: buckwheatvalley@mwt.net