Thursday, June 23, 2011


June 23, 2011.


February 9, 2011. The Winona Post posted an article outlining why the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) determined that the CapX2020 electric transmission line application was incomplete. CapX2020 will now have to go back to the drawing board and pay more attention to the details in their application. Thank you PSC!
Article link:

June 21, 2011. The Buckwheat Valley Citizens Coalition (BVCC) attended the Sauk County Board of Supervisors Meeting in Baraboo, Wisconsin. BVCC presented our "Energy Application Resolution." This is a format for all Municipalities to use for the purpose of encouraging the American Transmission Company (ATC) to provide the public with the need data (and other studies stipulated within the resolution) regarding its Badger Coulee high voltage - high capacity electrical transmission corridor. We encourage every Village, Town and City in Wisconsin to adopt this resolution, forward it to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin and send a copy to ATC.

June 22, 2011. Letter to BVCC from citizen Joe M. who writes: "Thanks for all you are doing to expose the hypocrisy of ATC in this project.  We think that a well-informed, well-organized and vocal citizenry is an essential component to defeating these projects.  In Minnesota, we spent way to much time and money focusing on legal and regulatory challenges and not enough getting citizens involved and informed and active. These power companies may win with the regulations and law - it's an insiders game.  They can't control, and don't know how to respond well to, knowledgeable and upset citizens."

June 22, 2011. Letter to BVCC from citizen Liamjp writes: "The British Army used to have an offense of "dumb ignorance" where the miscreant was judged too stupid to grasp he had given offense. This state of affairs is TREASON through dumb ignorance on a grand scale."